Discover Your Spiritual Styles
Welcome to the Spiritual Styles Profile Tool
This instrument will help you to discover, honor, harness and harmonize your archetypal spiritual learning styles to create your own spiritual path and contemplative practice. All twelve styles reside within you and their relative dominance changes over time. This tool helps to begin honoring and balancing your styles to gradually achieve your full human potential.Instructions
Please read the following statements and give yourself a numerical rating indicating your level of resonance with them. 1=Never, 2=Rarely, 3=Occasionally, 4=Often, 5=Always. When you complete this profile, click “Submit” at the bottom of the page. You will then see the results of your profile and be sent a copy by email. Please do not over-think these statements! Just give each a “gut response” by ranking them 1 – 5 in term of their level of resonance right now. This is not a test and there are no right or wrong answers.
Our Courses
Our courses are designed to help you discover, harness and balance your styles in order to gradually cultivate a mature meditation practice toward profound happiness, gratitude, transformation, love, mindfulness, wisdom and service to others.