InterSpiritual Meditation
Course Books

InterSpiritual Meditation:
A Seven-Step Process from the World’s Spiritual Traditions

InterSpiritual Meditation is a universal process drawn from the world s spiritual traditions. It is empowered by diversity and inclusivity.  It helps individuals to cultivate inner peace, wisdom, and compassion. Its seven-step process enables people of different spiritual practices to create engaged contemplative communities based on empathy, understanding, shared meditative experience, and compassionate service for the common good. InterSpiritual Meditation is the next step in the evolution of InterSpiritual Wisdom and a foundation  for peace among peoples of all religions.

Meditación InterEspiritual: Un Proceso de Siete
Pasos Inspirados en las Tradiciones Espirituales del Mundo
Prologue by Alejandra Warden
(Spanish Edition)

La Meditación InterEspiritual es un proceso universal extraído de las tradiciones espirituales del mundo. Ayuda a las personas a cultivar la paz interior, la sabiduría y la compasión. Su proceso de siete pasos permite a las personas de diferentes prácticas espirituales crear comunidades contemplativas comprometidas basadas en la empatía, la comprensión, la experiencia meditativa compartida y el servicio compasivo para el bien común. La Meditación Interespiritual es el siguiente paso en la evolución de la Sabiduría Interespiritual y una piedra angular para la paz entre los pueblos de todas las religiones”. El mundo interreligioso es largo en la conversación y corto en la práctica. Si bien estamos ansiosos por aprender las prácticas espirituales de los demás, lo que necesitamos es una práctica que trascienda nuestras respectivas tradiciones y nos involucre en una búsqueda más inclusiva del despertar. InterSpiritual de Ed Bastian ofrece precisamente eso.

Meditations for InterSpiritual Practice
Practices and Readings Drawn from the World’s Spiritual Traditions

This book contains a collection of articles on meditation and prayer in different spiritual traditions as taught by authentic teachers of those traditions. In each article, the author gives context for a foundational practice of their tradition and follows it with instructions for carrying out this practice. In addition to the practices in this volume are a carefully chosen selection of verses on different themes from the Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Indigenous, Islamic, Jewish, and Taoist traditions.

The book is edited by Netanel Miles-Yepez with contributions by Swami Atmarupananda, Dr. Edward W. Bastian, Ozer Bergman, Tessa Bielecki, Kenneth Cohen, Fr. David Denny, Four Arrows, Dr. John Allen Grimes, Camille Adams Helminski, Kabir Helminski, Zia Inayat-Khan, Muhammad Jamal al-Jerrahi, Yogi Nataraja Kallio, Dr. Michael Kearney, Fr. Thomas Keating, Jeff Roth, Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Grace Alvarez Sesma, Dr. Judith Simmer-Brown, Dr. B. Alan Wallace.

InterSpiritual Mandala
Course Book

Mandala: Creating An Authentic Spiritual Path – – An InterSpiritual Process

Mandala provides readers with a profound tool for constructing and cultivating a personal spiritual path and contemplative practice from the world’s collective spiritual traditions, using one’s own questions and spiritual learning styles to find the answers and right path for them.  It provides the means, not the answers – those we must find ourselves.  Through the InterSpiritual Mandala one explores one’s own archetypal approaches to spirituality, one’s own questions about the spiritual path, and finds the practices, teachers and traditions that best suit our particular needs.


Creating Your Spiritual Path: Workbook (Optional for the Online Course)

This 100 page workbook is designed for in-person classes, personal mentoring and self-study of the  “Mandala Process” for creating your spiritual path. The purpose of this book is to *help you  discover, harness and harmonize your archetypal spiritual styles, *work with your styles to cultivate your answers, practices and spiritual path, *deepen your insights and practices through InterSpiritual Meditation, and *Integrate your spiritual insights and values into your daily life.

This workbook is meant to accompany the book of course readings.  It offers a study guide  for creating an inner foundation from which you can lead and be of service to others. It is used for seminars, retreats, self-study, spiritual mentoring and online courses.


InterSpiritual Meditation: Workbook & Journal
(Optional for the Online Course)

InterSpiritual Meditation is a seven-step process drawn from the world’s spiritual traditions. This workbook is intended for classes, personal mentoring and individual study of InterSpiritual Meditation. Whether your path is within one or more traditions, or whether you are “spiritual but not religious,” it is designed to help you to cultivate inner peace, wisdom and compassion.  Its seven-step process can also help you to create engaged contemplative communities based on empathy, understanding, shared meditative experience and compassionate service for the common good.  InterSpiritual Meditation is the next step in the evolution of InterSpiritual Wisdom and a foundation stone for peace among all religious and non-religious people of the world.


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