An Invitation
In today’s complex and stressful world, many of us long for deeper meaning, purpose, peace of mind and success in all levels of our lives. We are surrounded by an amazing diversity of meditation teachers, spiritual traditions, yoga studios and psychological practices. Yet many of us are still searching for an approach to meditation that works for us – – one that helps us to become calm, healthy, happy, loving and wise – – one that helps us to compassionately relieve suffering of others.
InterSpiritual Meditation (ISM) is designed to help us to do just that. It is an integral, non-sectarian, seven-step process drawn from the world’s great spiritual and secular traditions. It provides a foundation for both a personal practice as well group practice in community with people of from diverse traditions and perspectives. It is designed to serve both beginning and experienced meditators.
The course is based on Dr. Ed Bastian’s book “InterSpiritual Meditation: A Seven Step Process from the World’s Great Spiritual Traditions.” It includes weekly teleconference calls, instructional videos, online resources, group meditations, journal/worksheets and personalized mentoring options.
Here is a brief video introduction by Dr. Ed Bastian, the founder of this contemplative process.
ISM is designed to help – –
- To learn and refine your own personal meditation practice.
- To become calm, compassionate and wise for the benefit yourself and others.
- To integrate this meditation into your workouts, walking, swimming, biking, practicing Yoga, and everyday life.
- To develop a practice that honors and harnesses your personal spiritual style.
- To create a practice that combines the wisdom and methods from one or more secular and spiritual traditions.
- To join with a mutually supportive learning cohort and contemplative community.
- To integrate meditative calm and insight into your personal relationships, profession and public service.
- To work towards becoming certified InterSpiritual Mentor.
- To provide a shared process for meditation groups whose members have diverse spiritual styles and practices.
- To help those who wish to create a supportive InterSpiritual community of people with a variety of practices.
- To train teachers and mentors to support others create a meditation practice based on their personal styles and predispositions.
- To provide a structure for learning and choosing from a variety of meditational practices.
- To provide a non-sectarian process for use by psychologists, healthcare professionals, educators, public servants, and all those who wish to integrate the benefits of meditation in to their work lives.
- To provide a method and a process for organizational leaders, coaches and consultants who are helping organizations and individuals to benefit from a practical and holistic mindfulness meditation practice.
This website offers an online course where you will work with our materials, our trained mentors and a cohort of like-minded students to create a meditation that is right for you. There are weekly live webinars that are also recorded for later listening if your schedule doesn’t permit attending each one.