InterSpiritual Meditation
Guided Meditations
Welcome to InterSpiritual Meditation (ISM) – – a 7-step process drawn from the world’s great spiritual traditions. Below are a variety versions of ISM for you to choose from. These are videos, but you also can simply listen with your eyelids gently lowered. As you become accustomed to the seven steps, you will be able to practice without guidance.
These meditations are designed to help you create inner peace, wisdom and compassion to serve all beings and the natural environment. Our ISM online course provides extensive resources, mentors, facilitators and a cohort of fellow learners to support your inner contemplative journey and your outer compassionate service. You will always be welcomed.

Intro, Female Voice & Waves

Intro, Male Voice & Waves

Intro, Español, Voz Femenida
by Alejandra Warden

Female Voice with Waves
by Juliet Rodhe-Brown

Male Voice with Waves

Male Voice & Silence

Female Voice & Silence
by Juliet Rodhe-Brown

Español, Voz Femenina
by Alejandra Warden

Español, Voz Femenina
con Sonidodo Olas
by Alejandra Warden

ISM Mantra Song (:56 sec) Female & Male Voice

ISM Mantra Song & Verses (7:45) Female Voice
by Juliet Rodhe-Brown

Sacred Music

ISM with Sacred Music (22:16)

ISM on the Sea