Spiritual Paths Institute Registration
If You are Already a Monthly Member ...
InterSpiritual Site Membership & Course Registration<br
Step 1: Become a Monthly Member

Monthly Membership
(Sign Up, Confirm or Renew)
Required for
ISM Course
Mandala Course
Facilitator Training
Mentor Training
Step 2: Enroll in a Course

ISM Course
InterSpiritual Meditation
Develop your7-Step Meditation
Monthly membership
Required For -
Mandala Course
Facilitator Training
Mentor Training
Course Fee: $77.00

Find Spiritual Answers &Create your Spiritual Path
Monthly membership
ISM Course
Required For -
Mentor Training
Course Fee: $77.00

Advanced ISM Facilitator
Certification to FacilitateISM & Mandala Process
Monthly membership
ISM Course
Mandala Course
Required For -
ISM & Mandala Facilitation
Course Fee $37.50/mo. for 4 months.

Certification to MentorISM & Mandala Process
Monthly membership
ISM Course
Mandala Course
Required For -
ISM & Mandala Teaching
Mentor Cohort
Course Fee $25/mo. for 6 months.
Private Mentoring & Facilitation
Once you are registered as a monthly member of an ISM and Mandala Course, our certified Mentors and Facilitators can be available to help you cultivate your personal spiritual path and meditation practice.
Certified InterSpiritual Mentors have completed training in both ISM and the Mandala Process. They can be available for learners/practitioners of both ISM and Mandala courses. Private mentoring sessions can include one or two individuals.
Certified ISM Facilitators will help host special discussion pods during the course and will work primarily with new learners/practitioners.
After you have registered, go into the Mentors and Facilitators section of our website.
Survey the list and the brief bios of our mentors and facilitators.
Contact one or more mentors or facilitators by email and arrange for a voice or video conversation.
Choose a mentor or facilitator and discern together the donation amount that works best for both. Donations will be shared by the mentor with the Spiritual Paths Foundation.
Set up mentoring time and mode of communication (email, voice or video) with your mentor or facilitator.
Online Course Registration
InterSpiritual Meditation
Monthly Membership (Includes ISM Course)
8 Lesson Modules
Guided Meditations
Weekly ZOOM Calls
(Live & Recorded)
Spiritual Styles Profile Tool
Personalized Web Searches
Personal Journal
Personal Meditation Mandala
Community Practice Circles
InterSpiritual Mandala
Online Course← First Register for Monthly Membership
8 Lesson Modules
Guided Meditations
Weekly ZOOM Calls
(Live & Recorded)
Spiritual Styles Profile Tool
Spiritual Questions Profile Tool
Personalized Web Searches
Personal Journal
Personal Meditation Mandala
Community Practice Circles